Thursday, 25 September 2014


ADC0804 ADC0804 (pdf)  Simple to computerized converters find colossal application as a halfway gadget to change over the signs from simple to advanced structure. These advanced signs are utilized for further preparing by the computerized processors. Different sensors like temperature, weight, power and so forth change over the physical qualities into electrical signs that are simple in nature. ADC0804 is a usually utilized 8-bit...


PRESENT  A preset is a three legged electronic segment which can be made to offer fluctuating resistance in a circuit. The resistance is shifted by changing the turning control over it. The change should be possible by utilizing a little screw driver or a comparative apparatus. The resistance does not shift straightly but instead differs in exponential or logarithmic way. Such variable resistors are generally utilized for modifying...

Celsius scale digital thermometer using 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)

Celsius Scale Digital Thermometer Using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51) Celsius scale thermometer displays the ambient temperature through a LCD display. It consists of two sections. One is that which senses the temperature. This is a temperature sensor LM 35. The other section converts the temperature value into a suitable number in Celsius scale which is done by the ADC0804. Description Celsius scale thermometer shows...