Monday, 20 October 2014

prime number dedector

 Design a digital circuit that turns on LED when 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 causes on a 4 bit data bus.                Here we are going to design a digital circuit that glows an LED when prime numbers till 16 is “ON” on a 4 bit data bus. To design such circuit, the apparatus required are: APPARATUS: 1.  IC 7408, 7432, 7402. 2.  4 10K Ohm resistor. 3. ...


7-SEGMENT DISPLAY  OBJECT: To design a circuit  that  convert a  8421BCD code into simple decimal and show it on 7 segment display. COMPONENTS: 1.     Ic74LS147 2.     Ic 7404 3.     Ic 7805 4.     Resister  10K (9) 5.     Resister  150ohm (7) 6.     Push button (9) 7.    ...