Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Arduino 25v DC Voltage Sensor

Arduino 25v DC Voltage Sensor In arduino the input voltage limited to 5v DC voltage. If your want to measure higher voltage though arduino, then we will need to use voltage divider method. This voltage sensor is use the method of voltage divider rule from which we can measure the voltage up to 25v. It is fundamentally a voltage divider using 30k and 7k ohm resistor. This sensor is restricted to 25v DC voltage. For measure more than 25v...

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Digital Clock Without Microcontroller

Digital Clock Without Microcontroller  This circuit  is designed to display the time in hours and minutes format, and is wired such that it functions in 24-hour mode. For this purpose, this circuit make use of six 74LS90 decade counters (in figure,IC1 through IC6), four 74LS247 BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers (IC7 through IC10) and four LT S542 common anode displays (DIS1 through DIS4). In addition, passive components like...

Sunday, 5 February 2017