In this page we will present an incredible venture outlined by Toon Beerten. His venture named "DIY Led Mood Lamp" can turn into an exceptionally fascinating extra for your room that is completely certain it will awe everybody. As should be obvious on the photographs, we discuss a shading blurring light, that looks stunning!
The reason for this page is to attempt to give a few indications building it effective. This high power drove state of mind light is in view of PIC16F628 and the capacity of this mcu to deliver PWM beats. Differing heartbeat width we can deliver a great many shading mixes utilizing just the three fundamental hues. So one and only RGB (Red-Green-Blue) drove is skilled creating a rainbow of blurring hues.
With the assistance of four switches we can deal with all elements of the light. We can pick blurring or hopping between hues, we can choose a rainbow style or an irregular shading evolving conduct, we can pick moderate or quick changing of hues and we can stop on a fancied shading.
At long last we will make some force scattering estimations to help us select a proper power supply unit.
Lodging for best shading diffuse
You can utilize your creative energy to locate a lodging that will have the capacity to diffuse hues consistently. Colordifussion is important to accomplish best results. In unique plan the creator utilized the 45cm IKEA Mylonit light. That is an incredible lodging for your light. Rather you can utilize the littler 31cm IKEA Mylonit light with the same astounding results. That is the light we utilized as a part of our development.
In our exploration we discovered different lights (ex. circle shape) that are perfect for lodging your enormous LED.
The reason for this page is to attempt to give a few indications building it effective. This high power drove state of mind light is in view of PIC16F628 and the capacity of this mcu to deliver PWM beats. Differing heartbeat width we can deliver a great many shading mixes utilizing just the three fundamental hues. So one and only RGB (Red-Green-Blue) drove is skilled creating a rainbow of blurring hues.
With the assistance of four switches we can deal with all elements of the light. We can pick blurring or hopping between hues, we can choose a rainbow style or an irregular shading evolving conduct, we can pick moderate or quick changing of hues and we can stop on a fancied shading.
At long last we will make some force scattering estimations to help us select a proper power supply unit.
Lodging for best shading diffuse
You can utilize your creative energy to locate a lodging that will have the capacity to diffuse hues consistently. Colordifussion is important to accomplish best results. In unique plan the creator utilized the 45cm IKEA Mylonit light. That is an incredible lodging for your light. Rather you can utilize the littler 31cm IKEA Mylonit light with the same astounding results. That is the light we utilized as a part of our development.
In our exploration we discovered different lights (ex. circle shape) that are perfect for lodging your enormous LED.
High Power LED
The led
used is a high power 3W RGB LED. It can be found on ebay at LEDSEE-electronics. You can also check ebay for other high power
RGB leds. It will do the jod the same way. Details of this brilliant led
shown below.
3W high power RGB LED
Light Angle of the LED 140 degree° Nominal current B,G,R 350mA Forward voltage: Red Typ 2,2V Green Typ 3,55V Blue Typ 3,55V Wavelength of the LEDs: Red Typ 625nm Green Typ 530nm Blue Typ 470nm Luminous Intensity: RED Typ 32lm Green Typ 35lm Blue Typ 10lm LED type: Common Anode |
Note: Minus on the bottom right
pin is common anode (positive voltage)
schematic used is shown in the next image. It's as simple as it shows. Take
care on the correct transistor mount and correct polarity of power source.
BC337 Pin out
Parts List
is a list of the components i used for making the led mood lamp.
- 3 x NPN transistors capable of driving 500 mA, for example the BC337
- one PIC 16F628(A) and a programmer
- a small perforated circuit board
- 7 x 10K resistors (1/4W)
- 1/2 watt resistors (2x 22 Ohm, 4x 10 Ohm) and a DIP switch
- a power supply (5 volts, 500 mA)
- Ikea Mylonit lamp or other housing
- silicon paste from your local DIY shop (if you want to use a heatsink)
- one z-power 3 watt rgb led
- a little heatsink and some cooling paste (if you want to use a heatsink)
- 3 x NPN transistors capable of driving 500 mA, for example the BC337
- one PIC 16F628(A) and a programmer
- a small perforated circuit board
- 7 x 10K resistors (1/4W)
- 1/2 watt resistors (2x 22 Ohm, 4x 10 Ohm) and a DIP switch
- a power supply (5 volts, 500 mA)
- Ikea Mylonit lamp or other housing
- silicon paste from your local DIY shop (if you want to use a heatsink)
- one z-power 3 watt rgb led
- a little heatsink and some cooling paste (if you want to use a heatsink)
Circuit board
the next image you can see the circuit arranged on a perforated board.
Programming The PIC 16F628
Programming the PIC16F628 can be achieved using
this very simple pic
programmer and
a program called ic-prog.
Just use your programmer and upload the .hex file on your PIC. For successful
results you should pay attention on the fuse bits. You should enter the correct
fuses as noted on the following table.
for code message us on fb page:
IntRC I/O =
PWRT = Enabled
BODEN = Enabled
MCLR = Disabled
Rest of fuses = Disabled
PWRT = Enabled
BODEN = Enabled
MCLR = Disabled
Rest of fuses = Disabled
Switches functions
SW1 -
makes you choose between G->GB->B->BR->R->RG-->>G effect
and random color change effect
SW2 - makes you choose between fading and jumping from one color to another
SW3 - makes you choose between slow or fast
SW4 - pauses at the current color displayed
SW2 - makes you choose between fading and jumping from one color to another
SW3 - makes you choose between slow or fast
SW4 - pauses at the current color displayed
A decent approach to mount the circuit board is to utilize a craft glue weapon to "shape" the circuit underneath the light lodging. There is a lot of space there for your board. At the following photographs you can see the circuit board mounted on the little 31cm IKEA Mylonit Lamp.
The paste is still hot. Temperature of paste didn't harm the PIC or different parts.
The paste is presently frosty and you can without much of a stretch get to the plunge switches. Light is working!
A perspective from top of the light.
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